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Peter Milliard with Anne van Laer |
The letter is in the Larry Brown collection in the Schomburg Library, Harlem, New York. It is quoted in part in a footnote in Martin Duberman's biography of Paul Robeson, p686, footnote 7. There is no other letter from Milliard in the collection. It seems likely that given the comments Milliard makes about Robeson, Brown did not reply to the letter.
West Point
Manchester 19
Sunday July 3rd 1949
My dear
Your letter
of June 13th last was a real surprise my recent experience has taught me not to
expect letters from people who had lived in England. Believe me you are
the outstanding exception. Do please accept my hearty thanks.
Let me at
once enquire as to your health. I trust that you are having no more trouble
with those disagreeable things that call for the knife. Take my advice: don't squeeze
don't pick don't (?) don't touch and two try not to (?) them at all. You
will find that the little boils can give a lot of trouble if they are
interfered with. Left alone nature takes care of them for the bodily
resistance is quite sufficient to put them out of action.
I do hope
your general health is good and you are fit enough to face
the firing
Now I did
not reply to your letter immediately as I wanted to report progress
in other words I was waiting to announce the arrival of the food parcel.
I can now let you know that I received the parcel on Wednesday last. Everything
was in perfect condition. Not having had Carolina rice for years I hastened to
cook some for dinner that evening. You know how difficult it is to get rice
here so you can imagine how enjoyable it was. Had two ladies to join me at
dinner. They did themselves well and pronounced my cooking excellent. As soon
as I sample the other articles I shall report to you.
To the most
common place. For a change we are enjoying excellent weather all over England
so (?) in Manchester but I cannot recall so excellent a summer during my long
sojourn in England. I am glad we really needed some of Nature's tonic. The
coming winter should find us fortified against its rigours. I need I not ask
what is (?) there? No seasons as a rule
are true to form
and one may
safely look forward to summer when (?) is due.
Tomorrow is
Independence Day whatever that means. I hope you have a pleasant holiday but
don't blow yourself to pieces. I am looking forward to meeting you again
here or in New York very soon.
Well what price
(?) Paul? A section of the public in England is constant (?) against him and (?)
reports re the marriage of his son to a pale face has not helped matters. What
is happening? Personally I am disappointed in Paul. He has become Anglicised (?)
And Negroes who have become Anglicised (?) should be left severely alone. What
does Paul expect to gain by joining the Communist Party especially in Britain?
What contribution does he expect to make to his people by allying himself to
Anglo-Saxon communists. It is alarming how Negroes misinterpret (?) the
feelings and attitudes of the Anglo Saxon Whites. I say without fear of
contradiction that there is only one party in
The imperialist party. If tomorrow the Communist of England won power and
form[ed] a government Mr/our(?) Paul Robeson would (?) how he had been fooled.
(?) my (?) friend Paul Robeson's talk of "Allies" is so
much rubbish. Doubtful allies are dangerous. Better no allies than doubtful
ones. We have a West Indian Peter Blackman by name he has been a member of the
Communist Party these many years. What contribution has he been able to make by
reason of such membership. Visits all over the continent at their expense and a
splash here and there. These are personal benefits at the expense of his people
as (?) if only helps to fasten the wool over our eyes more securely. I accept
Communism as a creed for our African forefathers were all communists as a
necessity and a natural (?). We therefore (?) but this bastard creed which
the Anglo-Saxon Whites are fathering must be??.
A word
about the meeting which Paul graced or disgraced at Bellevue last May. it was a
howling success as a "Communist" show but as a political meeting
billed for a speech from Paul exposing the (?) charges against
the (?)Trenton
lads it was a failure. That meeting simply confirms my oft repeated assertions
that Negroes should be watchful lest they make themselves tools of the
Whites. Paul did not make a speech explaining the Trenton case. What an
opportunity what (?) he had for bringing home to the people what happens in
America. The people departed without a knowledge of the Trenton case. I speak
for myself: Paul succeeded in making himself a buffoon. He sang
"Waterboy" like a 3rd rate comedian and I am just a bit tired of Negroes
who seek sympathy, pity and tolerance from Whites by referring to the fact that
their fathers or grandfathers were slaves. Good god this is of a global (?)
asset. Other people have been slaves. White slaves worked in the fields of
America along with the Blacks. The present Australians are descendants of
slaves and (?) hear them talking about what their forefathers
were but
always the Constantines and the Paul Robesons must mouth this slush.
Paul is disappointing I am no longer interested in him. Moreover he prefers the
company of Whites and his courtesies are reserved only for Whites. "What
does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul." One
word more I think this marriage of his son is a great political blunder
and it is an historical betrayal if it can be so dignified.
Well I must
be off. Please let me hear from you again. I am happy to meet again a (?)
Southern Negro hospitable kind and genuinely friendly My mind goes back to the
days when I lived in DC and enjoyed the friendship of some (?) and genuine
Negroes. God bless them.
let me thank you and take this opportunity of wishing you the best. Anytime you
come to England, my house is at your disposal.
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